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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

SEND Register

What is a SEND Register?                                                                                          

This is a list of all the children in the setting who have Special Educational Needs (SEN) and/or a disability.  This makes it easier for the SENCO and staff to monitor those pupils who need extra help. The SENCO for our setting is Jade Goodfellow.


Why is my child on the SEND Register?                                                               

Any child on the SEND register has been identified as having a special educational need and/or disability.  Extra help will be given to these children to help them to make progress.


What does this mean for my child?                                                                         

If your child is placed on the SEND Register, then they will receive extra help.  The SENCO will work closely with other professionals who can advise and contribute to your child’s learning and development needs helping to ensure your child reaches their full potential.


Will my child always be on the SEND Register?                                                   

This can vary.  Some Children with significant needs will always be on the SEND Register because they will always need help.  Other children may only need help for a short amount of time and if they no longer need any help, then they will be removed from the SEND Register in discussion with parents/carers.
