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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Supporting your child’s learning

  • Please look at the school website. It can be found at and includes a Padlet with links to websites and resources that we have found useful in supporting parents to help their child learn at home. In addition, the SEN termly newsletter or weekly bulletins may include sections that identifies local learning opportunities.
  • Parents are invited to attend half-termly SEND Parent Coffee Mornings
  • The class/subject teacher or SENCo may also suggest additional ways of supporting your child’s learning.
  • The school organises a number of curriculum in action events during the year. These are advertised in the school newsletter and on our website and aim to provide useful opportunities for parents to learn more about how to support your child’s learning.
  • If you have ideas on support that you would like to have access to in order to further support your child’s learning, please contact the SENCo who will locate information and guidance for you in this area.