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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Implementing Our Curriculum

The fundamental starting point for our curriculum at OLASP is The National Curriculum, which sets out the standards and coverage for all subjects to be taught in Primary Schools, through its Programmes of Study


From this, we produce our Long Term Plans, setting out what each year group will learn, as well as specifying what is taught and when within each subject area.


Aligned to this, we create a Subject Skills Tracker for each subject. This allows us to plan for, and monitor the acquisition of, the key skills that children are taught as they progress through school. These trackers help us to see clearly what progression in each subject looks like for a children in our school.


We then consider how these essential requirements for learning can be matched to our school's specific Key Intentions. Our key intentions underpin what we want our children to learn specifically, including how and why it is important for them as learners in our school. Please see full details of our Key Intentions on the previous page.


When planning, Teachers work together on Long Term, Medium term and Short Terms Planning, to ensure continuity, consistency and challenge across school and across the curriculum. Experienced teachers also act as peer coaches and mentors, especially when working with teachers who are new to teaching or to our school.. Subject leader work closely with colleagues to share good practice and to ensure that key messages, developments and initiatives are implemented successfully.


Next, and very importantly, we ensure Quality First Teaching for all children, through careful planning, resources and differentiation in all lessons. This means that all children can enjoy, engage and achieve in their daily lessons, regardless of their background, ability, additional need or any other potential barrier to learning. Teachers work closely with our SENCo to ensure that teaching approaches are suitable for the needs of all our learners.


Finally, we have a thorough Assessment Schedule in place, which means that we carefully assess and review children's progress and attainment at  regular intervals throughout the year. These formal assessments are combined with teachers' ongoing Assessment for Learning, which underpins the teaching sequence in all our lessons.


At the end of each term, Teachers work together to moderate the results of formal teacher assessments. Combined with their own Teacher Assessments, this enables teachers to reach overall judgements about how well children are doing, at regular intervals through the year as part of our assessment cycle.


This assessment process means we have a very clear picture of learning and can adapt our plans or provision quickly to address any problems or gaps, in order to ensure that all children enjoy and achieve, to the very best of their ability.

