Home Page

Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust


AAC - Augmentative and Alternative Communication

ABC - Antecedent, Behaviour and Consequence

ACE - Assessment of Comprehension and Expression

ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

AET - Autism Education Trust

ASC - Autism Spectrum Condition

AWPU - Age Weighted Pupil Unit

BESD - Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties

BEWOs - Behaviour and Emotional Well-being Officers

BPVS - British Picture Vocabulary Scale

BSL - British Sign Language

B/VI - Blind or Vision Impairment

C and L - Cognition and Learning

CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

CCC - Cumbria County Council

CCG - Clinical Commissioning Group

CDC - Child Development Centre

CLA - Child Looked After

CoEL - Characteristics of Effective Learning

CoP - Code of Practice

CP - Child Protection

CPD - Continuous Professional Development

CPFT - Cumbria Partnership Foundation Trust

CPS - County Psychological Service 

CYP - Children and Young People

D/HI - Deafness and Hearing Impairment

DfE - Department for Education

DAF - Disability Access Funding

DLA - Disability Living Allowance

DLD - Developmental Language Disorder

ESFA - Education and Skills Funding Agency

EHA - Early Help Assessment

EHCP - Education Health and Care Plan

ELSA - Emotionally Literate Support Assistants

EMH - Emotional Mental Health

ENT - Ear Nose and Throat

EP - Educational Psychologist 

ERT - Edinburgh Reading Test

EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage

FE - Further Education

FSM - Free School Meals

HHTS - Hospital and Home Tuition Service

HLTA - Higher Level Teaching Assistant

IBP - Individual Behaviour Plan

IEP - Individual Education Plan

ILR - Individual Learning Record

LA - Local Authority

LSA - Learning Support Assistant

MAAT - Multi Agency Assessment Team

MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulty

NDCS - National Deaf Children’s Society

NHS - National Health Service

NICE - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

NSPCC - National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

OT - Occupational Therapy

P.E.E.P. - Personal Evacuation and Egress Plan

PD - Physical Disability

PECS - Picture Exchange Communication System

PEP - Personal Education Plans

PHAC - Paediatric Hearing Aid Clinic

PIVATS - Performance Indicators for Valued Assessment and Target Setting

PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties

PRU - Pupil Referral Unit

PSD - Personal Social Development

PSP - Pupil Support Plan

PUD - Personal Understanding of Deafness

PVI - Private, Voluntary and Independent

QFT - Quality First Teaching

SATs - Specialist Advisory Teachers

SDQ - Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire

SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning

SEMH - Social Emotional and Mental Health

SEN - Special Educational Needs

SENCO - Special Educational Needs Coordinator

SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disability

SEND IAS - Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice Support Service

SEND TST - Special Educational Needs and Disability Teaching Support Team

SFA - Skills Funding Agency

SLCN - Speech, Language, Communication Needs

SLD - Severe Learning Difficulties

SLT - Speech and Language Therapist

SOGS - Schedule of Growing Skills

SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulties

SRP - Strategically Resourced Provision

STAP - South Tyneside Assessment of Phonology

STASS - South Tyneside Assessment of Syntactic Structures

TA - Teaching Assistant

TaMHS - Targeted Mental Health in Schools

ToD - Teacher of the Deaf

TVI - Teacher of Children and Young People with Vision Impairment
