At OLASP, our Spanish Curriculum is delivered through the 'KAPOW' scheme of work.
Please see our planning and progression documents below, along with information for parents & carers on our Spanish curriculum.
Our Spanish Lessons
At Our Lady & St Patrick's, children in Key Stage Two learn to speak Spanish, through dedicated weekly Spanish lessons.
We prioritise teaching children to accurately pronounce the sounds of the Spanish language, giving them the phonics skills required to enable them to decode new words they encounter.
During lessons, and in our planning, we aim to develop listening, responding and speaking skills, supported by the acquisition of reading and writing skills.
Ultimately, we want our to children develop positive attitudes to other languages and, thereby, to other cultures and countries, as they grow and discover more about the wider world. An understanding of other languages is a key skill - for life!
Guide for Parents & Carers
This document will explain children's learning journey and acquisition of Spanish skills and knowledge at OLASP.
Planning & Progression in Spanish
Planning & Coverage
The Long Term Plan below sets out how our Spanish curriculum is structured, using knowledge strands or 'pillars': Phonics, Vocabulary and Grammar. Building knowledge across these strands enables pupils to develop their skills of 'Language comprehension' (Listening and Reading) and 'Language production' (Speaking and Writing).
Developing cultural awareness is an important element of language learning and this document also demonstrates how we will help to build pupils' awareness of Spanish culture, including cuisine, etiquette and geography.
Progression in Knowledge, Skills & Vocabulary
This document gives an overview of how pupils' knowledge builds across the knowledge strands: Phonics, Vocabulary and Grammar.
It also shows how pupils' application of this knowledge is expected to develop in our skills strands of Language Comprehension (Listening and Reading) and Language Production (Speaking and Writing).
Finally, it shows some of the cultural awareness and understanding that pupils will develop when following the scheme of work.
Intent, Implementation & Impact in Spanish
National Curriculum Coverage
In key stage 2, children must learn a foreign language. This document shows how our Spanish curriculum fully covers the statutory guidance outlined in the KS2 national curriculum for languages. Each lesson is designed to help pupils achieve specific national curriculum attainment targets, which are clearly stated within the lesson. The document is regularly updated and each lesson is hyperlinked for easy access.
National Curriculum Programme of Study
Pillars of Language Learning
There are 3 pillars of progression: phonics, grammar and vocabulary and the interplay of these pillars are the key to understand and speak a language. Increased capability in the use of languages can promote initiative and independent learning and encourages diversity within society
In line with research conducted by Ofsted, Kapow Primary’s language specialists have identified three knowledge strands: phonics, vocabulary and grammar, and two skills strands: language comprehension (listening & reading) and language production (speaking & writing), that help children learn a foreign language.
These strands are known as ‘pillars’ and they are used to help children understand and communicate in Spanish, while also promoting cultural awareness of Spain and the Spanish-speaking world.
Achievements & Events
European Languages Day 2023
Every year, we celebrate 'European Day of Languages' in school. This is always a fun and educational day in school, which the children really enjoy.
This year, on 25th September 2023, our children had lots of fun learning about the languages and cultures of a range of European countries:
Early Years - Poland
Year 1 & Year 2 - France
Year 3 - Greece
Year 4 - Italy
Year 5 & Year 6 - Spain
'International School Award' 2021-2022
Celebrating El Dia de los Reyes - ‘The Day of The Kings’ - Jan 2022
On the evening of January 5th every year, Spanish towns and cities are given over to the colourful parades of the Dia de los Reyes, or the Kings' Day – a celebration of the arrival of the three wise men in Bethlehem after Jesus' birth.
For many families, Three Kings Day is as big a celebration as Christmas Day. It's customary to gather with friends and family to celebrate, often by opening gifts, playing music, and sharing a large meal together.
Working with a Spanish School
We have established a link with a primary school in Spain, which has given our children a real purpose for their new language skills, and is further enhancing their intercultural awareness and understanding.
For the last two years, our Spansih Teacher worked with our Year 6 children to make Christmas cards, celebrating Britain and our local area of The Lake District, to send to children in Spain.
This year, every class made Christmas cards with a British theme, and some children also made traditional, handmade gifts at home, to send to our friends in Spain!
The Spanish children were delighted to receive our Christmas Cards, gifts and messages and have replied with lovely cards and messages of their own!
The whole school made Christmas cards and gifts to send to our friends in Spain!
Vision Statement - Modern Foreign Languages
At Our Lady & St Patrick's, we believe that the learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for pupils.
Pupils develop communication and literacy skills that lay the foundation for future language learning. They develop linguistic competence, extend their knowledge of how language works and explore differences and similarities between the foreign language (Spanish, in our case) and English.
Learning another language raises awareness of our multi-lingual and multi-cultural world and introduces an international dimension to pupils’ learning, giving them an insight into their own culture and that of others.
The learning of a foreign language provides a medium for cross-curricular links and for reinforcement of knowledge, skills and understanding developed in other subjects.
We will teach children to:
Attainment & Assessment
We use the ‘Framework for Languages’ as a tool for assessment, assessing the different strands of language learning on a termly basis.
We use the following documents (published above) to inform our assessment of children's learning in Spanish: