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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Adult & Family Learning

'Family Learning' with Cumberland County Council


Please take a look at some of the courses that have taken place in school recently:

'Year 6 & Beyond' March 2024

Year 6 Parents and Carers,


Please join us for this session, which will focus on preparation and getting through SATs this summer, as well as transition to secondary school later in the year.

This workshop is for parents & carers, and children will join for the second half of the afternoon. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 20th March! 😊

PLEASE NOTE: We need at least FIVE families to sign up for the session to go ahead, so please join us if you can.

‘Awesome Me’ Spring 2023

We have the exciting opportunity to work with Mrs McAlone (some of you may remember her from working in school, last year) from Family Learning.  

She will be in school on Tuesday 7th March to deliver an 'Awesome Me' workshop. These are relaxed session aimed at helping you to find ways to boost your child's self esteem and hopefully pick up some helpful hints.  

Come along (bring a friend) and find a moment in the day to be creative!  

The kettle will be on! 


Please let us know if you can make either session either by calling the office (01900 812582), dropping us an email ( or messaging Mrs Long on Class Dojo.

Adult Learning with W.E.A

We work with the WEA , who deliver a wide range of excellent adult learning courses. 


The courses are free to anyone on a means tested benefit or earning less than £18,525 per year. There is also discretionary funding available for childcare and learning support. All our courses are currently delivered online using zoom and online learning platform, Canvas.


To enrol online you can click on the links below, or you can also call our friendly student support team on 0300 303 3464 to enrol using the course codes.


Please do get in touch at for any further enquiries.



Details of Courses Available Spring 2021

Follow the direct link below, to the WEA website