Welcome to the Curriculum area, where you will find full details of our curriculum, here at OLASP
Take a look at our Curriculum in Action!
We have carefully designed our our Curriculum so that it is relevant and engaging, with the needs and interests of our children at its heart.
We strive to provide an exciting and memorable curriculum, which allows every child to enjoy, engage and achieve, through engaging learning opportunities and carefully planned lessons, topics and themes. We also try, wherever possible, to make links to our own town and locality, to make the learning 'real' - yet expansive - for our children.
Our school is fully inclusive and we ensure that all learners have full access to the curriculum here at OLASP, regardless of any special educational need, disability or any other potential barrier to learning. Please see our school's current Accessibility Plan for 2023-2026 for more information, by following the link below:
If there is any information you would like that is not found here, please contact school directly and Mrs Long, Head of School, will be happy to provide you with more information.
Designing a Curriculum for our School
Enrichment in our Curriculum
Curriculum Subjects
Year Group Curriculum Overviews
Class Pages - Overviews of Learning
In addition to the information on this page, Half-Termly Curriculum Overviews are available on our 'Class Pages', along with photographs and the latest news for your child's class.
Please follow the link below, which will to take you directly to our Class Pages...
The National Curriculum
Everything we teach is underpinned by the requirements of the National Curriculum (2014).
Please click the icons below for an overview of National Curriculum coverage for Years 1 to 6.
Follow the link below to the National Curriculum
Curriculum Policies
Helping with the Curriculum at Home
In our 'Parents' section, you will also find information and practical tips and ideas for supporting your child with their learning at home, under 'Helping Your Child at Home'- please follow the link below to take you directly to this section of our website.