Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.
Children are spending more time than ever online. As adults, we need to do everything we can to keep them safe in the digital world. But with new apps, games and platforms emerging every day, how can you stay in the know?
Our Lady and St Patrick's Catholic Primary School is a member of National Online Safety and they have created a new mobile app to download for free.
With all online safety knowledge available at your fingertips, the NOS app empowers parents and teachers to understand and address online safeguarding risks – any time, anywhere. The world’s most comprehensive online safety app, it’s packed with insightful courses, explainer videos, webinars and guides on topics that will help you protect the kids you care about when they’re online.
Click on the link to download.
Highly recommended is the Think U Know website. Click the link above to go to the website and get the latest safety information.
This is an education initiative by CEOP - the UKs national law enforcement agency that focuses on tackling sexual abuse of children.
We do not allow mobile phones in school, which combats phone bullying here, but we know that mobiles are used outside school. You can help your child by using an Android App which blocks the bully's number, so you don't have to receive unwanted texts or calls. The bully doesn't know that their number is blocked. It is now a free app. Click the link to find out more.