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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Certificates & Awards

Here are some of the many wonderful things we celebrate each week... 

‘ACE’ Certificates for Achievement, Commitment & Effort


We formally recognise and celebrate the Achievement, Effort and Commitment of our children, through the presentation of our 'ACE' Awards for each class. 


To receive an ACE certificate, children are chosen by their teachers for working hard, trying their best or even simply for being extra kind, or behaving as a very good friend or role-model to others!

Courtesy Cup


Children are nominated to receive the Courtesy Cup in recognition of good manners, kindness, friendship and respect for others, and for demonstrating the Christian Values upon which our school is based.

Staff in school nominate children who demonstrate these attributes  - we always have a long list of nominees, all waiting to be awarded with the trophy!



Attendance Award


We carefully monitor attendance in school and, each week, the class with the best weekly attendance is awarded the attendance award.


Along with the presentation of the plaque, the children in class also receive a little treat, in recognition of their achievement. This is revealed by opening one of the special golden envelopes during celebration assembly, to see what treat has been can be an ice-pop, a sweetie, some free time, a chocolate biscuit, or even an extra play-time! This is always a highlight of the week - and a time of great excitement!



In addition, each class teacher chooses a VIP for the week, in recognition of excellent behaviour and attitudes. The VIP acts as a role model for other children, and is also chosen to do special jobs around school!


'Strive for Five' Reading Initiative!



Strive for Five stickers are awarded to children who have shown commitment to reading by reading at home at least five times that week.


Children receive a certificate along with a little treat at the end of each term if they have sustained this commitment to reading.



Sporting Awards & Certificates


We love to celebrate our sporting successes too, and a range of certificates are awarded regularly - both to individuals and to teams - for participation and success in sporting events, as well as in recognition of sportsman-like behaviour and attitudes!

End of Year Awards


At the end of each academic year, Teachers choose childfren from their class to receive a special award - one award in recognition of Excellent Achievement and another for Outstanding Effort.


These awards are presented during our end-of year Leavers' Assembly, where parents are invited to share in the children's success.


During this special assembly, we also reward all children who have achieved 100% Attendance over the course of the year - which is quite an achievement!
