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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust


We are a KidSafe Registered School


KidSafe is a registered charity that delivers specialised child protection & safeguarding programmes to children and young people, from the Early Years through to High School. 


KidSafe UK provides primary schools and EYFS settings with a child friendly, preventative children’s mental health and safeguarding curriculum that can be blended with our current PSHE/RSE provision.


KidSafe's aim, through child centred, age-appropriate education, is to help children recognise and speak out about any situation that has a negative impact on their mental health and emotional wellbeing.


Based on over 20 years’ experience & feedback from hundreds of KidSafe UK registered schools, this aim is achieved and supported by parents/carers, school staff, governors and, most importantly, by the children themselves.

KidSafe at Our Lady & St Patrick's


KidSafe UK Safeguarding was established in 2003 as a a unique way of equipping children with the skills needed to protect themselves from all kinds of abuse.


Here at Our Lady and St Patrick's, we have several Teaching Assistants who are our specially trained KidSafe tutors; they deliver regular sessions to all classes throughout the year, covering a range of issues at a child-friendly and age-appropriate level. 


With the help of our puppet, KS the Monkey, the KidSafe programmes are uniquely designed to help children take an active role in deciding how they themselves can recognise and protect themselves from all forms of abuse. 


The overall aim of the sessions is to protect, educate and inform children, empowering them without shattering their innocence.



The children love meeting KS the monkey, who helps out in all our KidSafe sessions!


KidSafe Aims and Objectives:


KidSafe aims to protect, educate and empower children. The key objectives of Kidsafe are:


  • To protect children from suffering or the likelihood of suffering physical, sexual or emotional abuse, by the encouragement and promotion of any methods to help safeguard and promote the welfare of such children.


  • To advance the education of children, teachers and parents in all aspects of child abuse, in particular understanding abuse in its many forms, its effects and how to prevent such neglect, cruelty or abuse.

Parental Involvement: further information for Parents & Carers


We recognise that parents and carers are a child's primary educators, and we ensure that they are fully informed of the content of all sessions before they are delivered to children, so they are aware of the topics that we cover in Kidsafe. As always, we are happy to work with parents and carers if they wish to discuss the content of any of the sessions further.


For more information about Kidsafe then please visit their website at or by following the link below.


Alternatively, please contact us in school and we will be happy to provide you with more information.

