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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

The Liturgical Year

Celebrating the Liturgical Year

As a fundamental aspect of our Catholic ethos, children at Our Lady & St Patrick's are made aware of the changes and celebrations relating to the Church’s Liturgical Year, as we journey through the year in school.

All our class and communal prayer spaces and displays reflect the liturgical colour. We spend time in our RE lessons looking at the main events in the Church's calendar, and we celebrate many of them together through collective worship.

We also enjoy celebrating key liturgical events in a variety of ways - please take a look below at some of the celebrations we have taken part in together this year, below...



The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary

💙 Mrs Wright joined us in school today, to lead us in singing the Glorious Mysteries of The Rosary. 

💙 The children also created some beautiful artwork to accompany the liturgy.

💙 It was a joy to have Mrs Wright with us in school - it is always such a special time and the children are so happy to see her! 



Pentecost - Year 2 (April 2023)

🔥 Year 2 learned all about the story of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came down and touched the heads of the disciples.

🔥 The children celebrated this special time by making special Pentecost crowns, complete with the flames of the Holy Spirit!

Mater Christi Feast Day - The Annunciation (24th March 2023)

💙 We had a wonderful day in school, celebrating the Feast Day of Mater Christi. As you know, our school is now part of the Mater Christi Academy Trust, so this is a very special day for us and for all the schools in the trust. 
💙 We celebrated the story of the annunciation, and each class carried out some lovely activities around this. 
💙 Reception class made colourful flowers for Mary and laid them on the prayer table, during our special assembly. 
💙 Year 1 & 2 made beautiful stained glass windows depicting Mary and the Angel Gabriel, telling Mary the very special news that she would be the mother of Jesus
💙 Year 3 & 4 travelled to St Mary’s Church at Cleator, to visit the grotto and spend some time in quiet prayer. When they returned, they made mini grottos, showing Mary surrounded by lovely flowers. 
💙 Year 5 & 6 made stained glass windows. Year 5 drew their own images on theirs and wrote the Hail Mary. Year 6 worked together to make an amazing, composite piece of art work depicting Mary, in the style of a stained glass window. 
💙 We all listened to the beautiful music of Ave Maria and prayed the Hail Mary at the end of our special assembly, which was dedicated to Mary, Our Mother.


Upper School Mass, 23rd March 2023

💜 Father Paul came to school to celebrate the Mass with our children and staff in Upper School. The children listened, read and sang beautifully. Thank you Father Paul 💜


Year 3 Liturgy of The Word (22nd March 2023) 

💜 Father Paul celebrated the Liturgy of The Word with Year 3 in class. Thank you the parents who came along to join us and to the children, who listened very carefully and read beautifully 💜


Palm Sunday - Year 1


🌿 ✝️ Year 1 acted out the story of Palm Sunday in their RE lesson today - well done children, and a special well done to Harley and to Courtney, for playing the roles of Jesus and the donkey so brilliantly ✝️ 🌿


St Patrick’s Day, 17th March 2023

☘️ We celebrated the Feast Day of St Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland - and our school’s Patron Saint - on Friday 17th March.
☘️ We attended church for a special Mass, sharing in this celebration with members of our Parish and our families. 
☘️ Afterwards, we returned to school for a special party lunch, followed by an afternoon of fun, games and activities.
☘️ We all dressed in green to celebrate our special day!


'The Road of Choices' - Workshops with Margaret Wright (9th March 2023)

💜 We had such a lovely day in school today, with a special visit from our good friend, Mrs Wright.
💜 Mrs Wright led the children in special workshops, based around the parable of The Good Samaritan.
💜 The children learned all about this story that Jesus told, and reflected on its meaning for us and how we love and care for others.
💜 Thank you so much for a super day, Mrs Wright - we look forward to seeing you in school again soon!


Year 6 Class Mass, February 2023


Year 5 Class Mass, 18th January 2023


The Feast of the Epiphany (Jan '23)

We celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany in school with a special whole-school collective worship, led by some of our Year 6 children.

The children in Reception also created some beautiful art work based on the story of the three kings’ visit to baby Jesus - look at this beautiful picture collage!


Nativity Tableau in Church (Dec '22)

We celebrated the birth of Jesus in our Nativity Tableau in Church, accompanied by lots of wonderful singing of all our favourite Christmas carols and songs!


Our Nativity Performances (Dec '22)

We celebrated the Nativity by sharing our Early Years & Key Stage One Nativity Plays with families and friends in school. 


Advent Primary Puppet Assembly - 'A Starry Night' (Dec '22)


As we approached Christmas during Advent, the children enjoyed a special puppet assembly to show the very special story of Jesus' birth.


Year 4 Class Mass - Advent - December 2022


Father Paul celebrated Mass in class with Year 4. The children listened attentively and joined in respectfully.


St Andrew's Day, November 2022


On 30th November, Year 3 Celebrated the Feast Day of their Class Saint, Saint Andrew, who is the Patron Saint of Scotland/ 


First Holy Communion, 25th June 2022

heart Many congratulations to all our children who have made their First Holy Communion. 

 heart This is such a special day, which we hope they will enjoy with their families and friends - and remember for many years to come.

 heart Special thanks to Mrs Galloway for preparing the children so beautifully, for this very special day.


St George's Day - Year 1 Class Saint : Feast Day Celebrations April 2022

Saint George is our Year 1 Class Saint, so the children had lots of fun celebrating St George's Day on 23rd April.


The children heard and read the story of St George and the dragon, and they made masks and dressed up to act out the story - they really enjoyed playing the part of the scary dragon!


They also had some yummy part snacks, to celebrate their special day!

A Journey Through Holy Week - Following in Jesus’ Footsteps (28th March 2022)  

✝️  The whole school took part in quiet reflection today, in our ‘Journey through Holy Week’ 
✝️  Each class set up their own prayer station in the hall, so that we could follow in Jesus’ footsteps, through ‘The Stations of The Cross’ 
✝️  It was lovely to spend some quiet time listening to the scripture that tells us of Jesus’ last days on earth, and reflecting on what this means to us 💜


Year 1 learned the story of Palm Sunday (March 2022)


Still image for this video

🌴 Year 1 have been learning about Palm Sunday in RE. 
🌴 The children thought about how happy the people were to see Jesus riding into Jerusalem on the donkey, and wrote their ideas on their palm leaves. 
🌴 Then they waved the palm leaves in the air to welcome Jesus, and act out the story. 
🌴 Hosanna!

A Journey Through Holy Week (March 2022)


Year 4 Celebrated their special Saints Day on 1st March - the Feast of St David, Patron Saint of Wales


Feast of the Epiphany: ‘Follow the Star’ workshops (Jan 2022)


Nativity Tableau in Church, Year 3, Dec 21


“Following in His Footsteps” workshops with Margaret Wright, Sept 21


The Nativity - Key Stage One


The Nativity - Early Years

October - The Month of the Rosary

May is the Month of Mary - try to pray the Hail Mary every day


Holy Week
