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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Oracy through Picture News

How do we use Picture News to Support Oracy, at Our Lady & St Patrick's?

How can Picture News support progression and Development of Oracy Skills?


The focus of Picture News has always been getting children to talk purposefully about the news.  The starting point is to provide an image as a stimulus for discussion and to introduce children to new vocabulary. 


Over the last few years, the Picture News resource has been enhanced by looking at how we can make connections with British Values, children’s rights and, more recently, prayer.


They say a picture paints a thousand words, and it is that context that Picture News use a stimulus photograph to provide contextual opportunities for children to think and talk about current affairs.  By doing this, the children are able to, within a controlled context, exercise new vocabulary and thoughts.  It is a safe place to challenge or make personal views.


We understand the importance of introducing children to new vocabulary and providing meaningful ways to use it.  This is the driver and the focus for the use of Picture News resources in our School. 


Whilst we appreciate that Picture News is only part of the picture, our goal will remain constant; to provide real-world examples that give children a voice.
