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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Staff training to support children with SEND

Staff training in relation to SEND is carried out on regular basis depending on the needs of the children within our school. Where possible we encourage training for all teaching staff in order to disseminate good practice for SEND children throughout the school, for example dyslexia, autism, speech and language training. However, individual staff or small groups of staff may attend training specific to their role or pertinent to a particular age group.


Jade Goodfellow is a qualified teacher (BA Hons) and has completed the National Award for SEN Coordination qualification.


Staff share expertise through collaborative training opportunities as well as accessing local and national training. Individual staff development needs are identified and met as part of the formal appraisal process.


Specialist training has been provided through:

·    The school has regular visits from SEN specialist teachers and the Behaviour Support Team who provide advice to staff support the success and progress of individual pupils.

·    The NHS Speech Language Therapist visits termly to assess and plan support for targeted pupils. These programmes are then delivered by a trained Teaching Assistant.

·    The Governor with specific responsibility for SEN has completed the SEN Governor training.


