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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

DT Week - Oceans & Air

Week Commencing Monday 19th June 2023

🌻 This week, we are having a very special themed week in school, where the children will practise and show-case their skills in Design Technology.

🌏 The theme of DT week is to remind children of the importance of looking after planet earth, our beautiful home. This builds upon learning from World Ocean Day and Clean Air Day and will build into our important work on Laudato Si', which sets out the Pope’s intentions for caring for our common home and protecting it for future generations to come.

πŸ“¦ During the week, children in each class will design, create and evaluate a different animal using widely recycled materials; the topics for each class are:

πŸ¦‹ Early Years: Butterflies
🐠 Year 1: Fish
πŸ¦” Year 2: Hedgehogs
🐞 Year 3: Ladybirds
🐒 Year 4: Turtles
πŸ€– Year 5 & Year 6: Beach-Cleaning Robots

We will, of course, share the finished results with you and make a lovely display of the children's work in school
