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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Breakfast Club & After-School Clubs

We provide an extended day to support families and parents who work. We can provide before and after school care for children from 7.45am each morning until 4.15pm each day, if required.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is held in the school hall every day from 7.45am. It costs £2 per day. Children have a healthy breakfast and play with their friends or watch a tv programme.


Breakfast club must be booked and paid for in advance, via our School Gateway App.



After-School Club

We run a range of clubs after school from 3.15-4.15pm; please see the list of after-school clubs we currently provide, below.


We charge £3 for after school care, with a range of activities available to choose from each day.  


There is always a range of activities on offer but if your child is staying with us and doesn't wish to take part in the scheduled activity, they can simply stay and play in after-school care.


Please book book and pay for after-school care in advance via our School Gateway App.

Wraparound Child-Care (Nursery Children)


Those children in Nursery who are with us every morning, may also stay for some or all of the afternoon session too. 


This costs £3 per hour. Children who stay for the afternoon can either bring a packed lunch or pay for a nursery lunch, at £1.50 per day. 


For those parents who work, these afternoon sessions can be provided free of charge, as part of the 30 hour funding (see link below).


Please telephone the school office if you need any further information about clubs or help with payments via the Gateway App (School Office, tel: 01900 812582)
