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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Class Dojo

At Our Lady & St Patrick's, we use the Class Dojo learning platform to communicate with families and celebrate children's achievements.

At OLASP, we use the Class Dojo Learning Platform for communication with our families.


Each year group has a designated class page, where specific messages and reminders can be posted, as well as whole-school page which is used to celebrate and remind about events & initiatives for our whole-school community. Families can also communicate with their child's teacher and classroom directly, throughout the year.


ClassDojo enables us to instantly reach and engage every family, and it supports teachers, families & children in accessing any remote learning quickly and easily.


We have a policy in place for the use of Class Dojo, which we expect all users to abide by. A copy of the policy is below, for information.


We do ask that ALL parents & carers sign up to Class Dojo when their children join our school.


If you have any questions or would like any help in accessing Class Dojo, please just get in touch - it is quick and easy to set up and will allow you to stay up to date with everything that is happening in class!
