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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Joining our Early Years

We can't wait to welcome you into school...


All children new to school have a home visit by key members of staff, where we get to meet you and your child in a familiar environment. During this meeting, we will discuss your child's needs, interests and difficulties as well as completing any paperwork and answering your questions.


We also invite children and families into school for 'transition sessions' so that all children get the chance to meet their new friends and teachers before they formaly start with us. 


When your child first starts with us, you are able to stay with them to ease their settling in to school.  This period of time is very important and allows your child to get to know the new setting while being reassured by your presence. Our staff will work with you and together you will come up with a plan for withdrawing from your child when he or she is ready.

To enquire about a school place, please call our school office on 01900 812582.


We will be more than happy to arrange a tour of school to meet you and your family. 
