At Our Lady & St Patrick's, prayer and liturgy allows us all – children, staff, parents and parishioners – to come together to know, to serve, and to love God.
God’s word is central to our faith and the lives we are called to lead as followers of Christ.
Scripture is used as a starting point for whole-school and class-led prayer and worship, with God’s word as the focus of our prayers and thoughts. Opportunities are provided to use the Scriptures to celebrate and gather together so we can demonstrate the glory of God in our lives.
Across school, prayer time is a time for meditative contemplation as well as worship, with words from Scripture inspiring the pupils to think and reflect deeply on what God's word means for us today, in our everyday lives.
Children in all classes from Reception to Year 6 also take part regularly each week in Christian Meditation. This allows silent time in meditative prayer, and aims to heighten personal relationships with God, through knowing and welcoming the love of God into our hearts and minds.
As children move through school, they take an increasingly active role in planning and leading prayer & worship. This is a responsibility which our children welcome and respect, sharing the word of God thoughtfully and reverently with their peers.
Prayer & Liturgy at our Lady & St Patrick's
Prayer & Liturgy - Policy & Guidance
Prayer & Liturgy Planner 2024-25
Prayers we say in School