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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust


Autumn 1: Reception children will only get reading homework. Please try to read with your child 5 times a week at home so that they can 'Strive for Five' and receive a certificate! (And win a reward for those who strive for five EVERY week!)


Autumn Half Term Homework: Please use the letter and picture cards to work on letter recognition, word reading and sounding & blending skills. On Tapestry, children have also been set the challenge of storytelling their favourite Traditional Tale; please record this and share it with us!


Autumn 2: Some children will now be coming home with Spelling homework (alongside reading homework) - please work on these together at home so that children are ready for our spelling sessions each Friday.


Christmas Holiday Homework: On Tapestry, children have been set the challenge of creating their own Owl Baby using craft materials. I have also shared the Phase 2 and Phase 3 sound mats for children to practice reading, writing and spelling at home - please share your photos of home learning with us!


Spring 1: NA (Remote Learning)


Spring 2: All Children will now be coming home with Spelling Homework at the end of each week. These spellings must be practised at home in preparation for our quick quiz in class on Friday's where we check how well the children can spell!

Please continue to 'Strive for Five' with your reading.


Summer 1: Children continue to bring home spelling and reading homework each week.
