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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Staying Safe & Well

Our curriculum should teach our children how to stay safe and well

To this end, our curriculum has been specially designed to include special 'Safety Weeks', which are built in across the school year.


For one week each term, we have devised carefully planned timetables devoted to activities around staying safe, aimed at helping our children to understand the many different ways to keep themselves safe and well.

Throughout the year, we plan for three safety weeks, each one focusing on a specific element of keeping safe. These take place in November, February and June, and are designed to coincide with Road Safety & Anti-Bullying Week in November, Internet Safety in February and Child Safety Week in June.


Each Safety Weeks, ensures that children will take part in their ‘Kidsafe’ sessions and, this year, we are also introducing First Aid for children in Years 1-6.


First Aid is an important skill for everyone to learn, children and adults alike. This will be taught using the ‘Flat Stan’ resources and will be at an age-appropriate level. This ensures that, by the time children leave school at the end of Year 6, they are empowered to act to support others in the case of a first aid incident, and to contribute positively to their community.


Please click on the icons below to find out more about each of our safety weeks.

