Our curriculum should offer our children 'Cultural Capital'
As our school is located in an area of high social, cultural and economic deprivation, we strive to provide our children with access to the arts, culture and sport.
Therefore, a wide range of cultural opportunities are carefully planned and embedded in our curriculum, for all children to enjoy:
Cultural Opportunities within our curriculum:
- 'Artist of the Week' and 'Composer of the Week' activities allow children to engage with famous art & artists, renowned musicians and classical composers. These artists and musicians themselves are also drawn from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds.
- Texts by authors from different backgrounds and cultures. For example, when studying Maya Angelou 'Still I Rise', experience days are built into the curriculum at the beginning of this unit to allow children to understand the social / cultural context of her writing.
- Study of different faiths in RE (eg. Judaism) allows children to begin to understand different religions, beliefs and cultures.
- European Languages Day - focus on aspects of culture for different European Countries (eg. food, art, music, dance, language).
- School Council represents pupil voice and works alongside other school Councils and the Town Council.
Cultural Opportunities - working with ‘experts’ and professionals:
- Working alongside professional musicians, performers and directors as part of 'Snappy Opera'
- Professional tuition from qualified dance and gymnastics teacher
- Professional tuition from qualified music teacher and opportunity to learn to play a range of musical instruments
- Professional tuition from qualified sports coach and opportunities to play in sporting tournaments.
- Visits from authors and artists.
- Visits from business, eg. 'Primary Business Partnership' (Nuclear workshop); Lake District National Park (Water Workshop).
- Visits from 'experts' eg. Scientist, Geologist, Rocket visit, Anglo-Saxon visitor, Tullie House Museum outreach visitors, Pet Encounter.
Accessing cultural opportunities locally:
- Visit and join the local library.
- Visit local attractions such as the Aquarium, Roman Museum, Maritime Museum, Wave Centre, Clip 'n' Climb
- Visit other parts of Maryport (the shore, Fleming Square, our Church, the harbour)
- Visits to neighbouring towns and places (Silloth, Whitehaven harbour & museums, St Bees Beach)
- Travel by train along the coast
- Enjoy a meal in a restaurant in a local town (Cockermouth)
- Visit the local zoo / wildlife park
- Visit the cinema and theatre
- Links with our sister school in the neighbouring town of Workington
- Visit Dove Cottage, Grasmere (William Wordsworth)
- Travel to our local city, Carlisle, and visit the cathedral / museum / castle
Accessing Cultural Opportunities further afield:
- Residential visits for children in Year 4 to Year 6, including visits to a lake District town, take part in an outdoor adventure break and visit to a large city.
British Values & 'Picture News'
Each week, the 'Big Question' is displayed prominently in school and is discussed in classes each Tuesday. Children have time to reflect on the big questions and offer their responses.
Each Big Picture focuses on a different aspect of British Values, with the weekly focus drawn from news, events and current affairs all around the world (e.g. COP26, Endangered Animals, Fuel Shortage Protests, Sporting Events) .
For more information on Picture News, please see our 'British Values' page