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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Our Strong Safeguarding Culture

At Our Lady and St Patrick's Catholic Primary School, safeguarding is of paramount importance, to protect the welfare and wellbeing of every child in school. We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us.


Staff know that no concern is too small to be recorded.


We recognise that for children, supportive friends, a safe environment, high self esteem and clear lines of communication with trusted adults helps prevent the chances of them being abused.


However, we also recognise that ‘it could happen here’ and are ready to deal with any safeguarding issues that arise.


This is how we provide our strong safeguarding culture:


Leadership and Management 

  • Named Designated Safeguarding Lead & Designated Teacher for LAC- Jade Goodfellow
  • Named Safeguarding Governor- Joy Byrne
  • Safeguarding Team, comprising SLT and Key Stage Leaders, with all members trained to Level 3
  • Safeguarding is a permanent agenda item in staff meetings; governor meetings & SLT
  • Governors receive termly updates on safeguarding.
  • Clear procedures in place for disclosures, allegations against staff and whistleblowing
  • CPOMs is used by all staff to log all concerns or incidents; SLT are notified of all entries
  • Attendance and punctuality monitored regularly for whole school and specific groups


Training and Development

  • Annual Level One safeguarding training for all staff, and termly refresher training
  • Induction for new staff
  • Staff have read, signed, understood and agreed to abide by relevant documents and policies.
  • All governors receive safeguarding training annually, with additional updates on a regular basis.
  • All teaching staff are trained in Safer Handling
  • DSL attends termly cluster meetings
  • DSLs and DDSL's receive weekly safeguarding updates from Andrew Hall, NSPCC CASPAR weekly updates and CSCP 5 minute briefings. 
  • Rolling Programme of Paediatric First Aid Training for all staff
  • Weekly staff briefings identifying new and updating on current safeguarding arrangements
  • All staff aware of current issues in education including: CSE; FGM; Prevent; CMiE


Safer Recruitment

  • All staff have current DBS checks, which are updated regularly in line with School Policy.
  • The school has adopted the Safer Recruitment principles and key staff are trained in Safer Recruitment so that every interview panel has a member trained in Safer Recruitment.
  • References for new staff are sought and validated prior to appointment.
  • Partner agencies provide written assurance that their staff have undergone DBS checks.
  • All professional colleagues who work in our School have DBS checks
  • SCR Audited by Kym Allan (H&S)


Supporting Children

  • All children have a safe space to speak out and share their concerns with members of staff
  • Pupil voice gathered both formally and informally throughout the year
  • Posters around school remind children that they can talk to the DSL or other staff if they are worried
  • We teach about Safeguarding, including online safety, as part of the curriculum including termly 'Safety Weeks'
  • Two members of staff trained in KIDSAFE who deliver training to all children termly


Working with Parents and Carers

  • Parent voice gathered both formally and informally throughout the year
  • Termly Safeguarding Newsletters
  • Regular communication to reinforce keeping children safe, including online safety.
  • Health, Wellbeing and Safety advice section on our school website


Multi-agency Working

  • We contribute to multi-agency working in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children
  • We allow access to the school by children’s social care to conduct, or consider whether to conduct, statutory assessments

  • We have arrangements setting out the process of sharing information with local safeguarding partners and other agencies 


Site Security

  • Our Safeguarding Poster is displayed in prominent places around school
  • Staff, visitors and volunteers sign in and out.
  • All visitors wear a visitor’s badge on site and are asked sign that they have read our safety guidance.
  • Clear medical arrangements.
  • Medical record of all staff and children
  • Asthma and allergy list displayed in school
  • Perimeter fencing
  • Regular premises checks by Site Manager
  • Fire evacuations carried out on a regular basis
  • More than one emergency contact for all pupils