Mater Christi
Please follow the link below for Mater Christi Trustees Information & Duties
Local Governing Body (LGB)
Our Local Governing Body (LGB) is federated with the Governing Body of St Gregory's, Workington, as the 'Stella Maris Catholic Federation'
The LGB Chair of Governors is:
Joy Byrne
St Gregory's Catholic Primary School
Furness Road
CA14 3PD
Tel: 01900 606050
Please find below details of how our Local Governing Body is structured,
including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
All other information about our Governing Body is held confidentially, on 'Governor Hub'
Local Governing Body - Constitution
Local Governing Body - Committees 2023-24
Local Governing Body - Meetings 2023-24
Governance Information Security Policy (Local Authority)