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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Reception Photo Gallery



Multi-Skills Festival at St Joseph's CHS

D-Day Commemoration

Life Cycle of a Bean

Butterfly Life Cycle

Feast of the Annunciation

Beatrix Potter - Artist of the Week

Palm Sunday

Go Orange Day - a walk to the lifeboat

World Book Day - dress as a word

Feeding the 5000 - Loaves and Fishes

The World Around Me - Maryport

Christmas Craft Afternoon

The Nativity - Art and Craft

Wheelchair Basketball

Bonfire Night

Halloween Paintings

Caring for God's Creation (St Francis of Assisi)

Fay Evans - Author Visit - Poetry Day

Singing the Rosary Day

Colour Mixing

Paint Portraits of a Friend


Sharing our world with EVERYONE!

The Feast of St Peter & St Paul - "follow me and become Fishers of Men!"

Friendship Bracelets

Look at how our Beanstalks have grown!

People Paper Chains - RE Friendships

Save the Sea Creatures!

The Ugly Bug Ball πŸ› 🐜 πŸ¦‹

Portraits of a friend πŸ–Ό

Observational art πŸ’