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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust


School Policies

School policies cover most aspects of school life, in order to ensure good intentions become consistent practice.  Below are some of our most important policies for your reference.


If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask at the school office. If you would like a paper copy of a policy, or indeed of any information found on our website, please speak to our school office, who will be happy to provide this free of charge. 


To contact our school office, please telephone (01900) 812582 or email:


Please note that some of our policies are Stella Maris Catholic Federation policies, produced on behalf of our Federated Governing Body. Other policies are stand-alone policies originated by Our Lady & St Patrick's, along with policies adopted directly from our Local Authority. 




Key Policies

in alphabetical order


Accessibility Plan 2023-26

Attendance Policy and Procedures 

Class Dojo Policy - Guidance & Expectations

Complaints Policy

Curriculum Subject Policies

(Please follow the link)

Cyber Response Plan 23-24

First Aid Policy & Procedures

GDPR & Freedom of Information

(please follow the link)

Information Security Policy (CCC)

Remote Learning: Information for Parents

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy

Whistleblowing Procedures
