Scope & Sequence - Summary
The Scope and Sequence document (located in the online Phonics Portal) gives a detailed week-by-week account of the programme from the start of Reception to the end of Year 1.
This strategic overview identifies the six phases through which children will normally progress, demonstrating how the phonics teaching sequence is linked to the introduction of GPCs in the Shared Readers and the gradual introduction of Common Exception Words.
Progression is built in throughout the programme with an increase in the level of challenge in the skills taught at each phase
Teaching Sequence - Summary
Following the SFA Teaching Sequence means that children will learn to read quickly, through the phases outlined below.
Reading for success Daily phonics lessons are 25 minutes, with reading lessons increasing gradually from 15 minutes to 30 minutes each day.
Shared Decodable Readers are introduced from Phase 2-6, with the teaching of Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondences (GPCs) in phonics lessons matched to the associated shared story.
Common Exception Words (CEW), include GPCs that are an exception to what children have been taught. CEWs are explicitly taught in all phonics lessons and include all of the usual CEW from L&S 2007. These are also introduced systematically in Shared Readers, where they are explicitly taught as Red Words. Children are taught to decode the GPCs they have learned, and to recognise and remember the ‘tricky’ grapheme for reading and spelling.
Scope & Sequence - Reception & Year 1 (weekly)
The Scope and Sequence for Success for All Phonics provides a weekly overview of our Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) programme, highlighting
its alignment to Letters and Sounds (2007).
Success for All Phonics is divided into 68 Steps, each lasting one week, with opportunities for regular review and consolidation of learning. Each Step has a corresponding GPC(s)* and a fully decodable Shared Reader that the children will read.
In the first term of Reception, children learn 3-4 GPCs per Step until vowel digraphs are introduced during Step 13, at which point they learn one GPC per
week. For the first 12 Steps of the programme, the Shared Readers contain the previous week’s GPCs. Starting in Step 13, the Shared Readers include
the focus GPC for the week.
The Shared Readers include a range of genres that will appeal to all readers by including familiar characters, settings and topics relevant to children of
all ages.
Progression is built-in throughout the programme with an increase in the level of challenge in the skills taught in each phase.
The lessons follow a review, teach, practise and apply cycle with regular opportunities for review and consolidation at a pace that ensures children can keep up. Where children need additional support there are a range of strategies to support them.
The Scope and Sequence also provides an overview of the reading and writing skills covered in Success for All Phonics with links to National
Curriculum expectations for Year 1 and Early Learning Goals for Reception. Termly Word Correct Per Minute goals are listed at the start of each term,
along with a list of Common Exception Words taught in each Step.**
* In Phase 4, no new GPCs are introduced. The aim of Steps 30-33 is to consolidate Phase 4 skills introduced during Reception Terms 2 & 3.
** Common Exception Words marked with an asterik* may/not be Tricky Words according to regional accent.
Please see Scope & Sequence (weekly) Overview for Reception & Year 1, below: