British Values at Our Lady & St Patrick's
At Our Lady & St Patrick's, we aim to actively promote British values to ensure young people leave our school prepared for life in modern Britain.
Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.
These Key British Values are:
To find out more about how we incorporate British Values at Our Lady & St Patrick's, please click the icon below:
Our School Council
Our School Council went to meet the Mayor in the Town Council chambers.
The children enjoyed the opportunity to ask the Mayor lots of questions about her role. They then explained the work they do in their role as school councillors and the Mayor linked the children’s role with her own, as a civic duty.
Everyone had a chance to sit in the Mayor’s chair and had their picture taken wearing her chain of office.
The children learned that a new park is being built in Maryport and were asked to draw their ideas of what they would like the new park to look like. The Mayor judged their designs, with three children being chosen to receive a prize. The children finished off the visit with juice and biscuits, before setting off back to school.
Please follow the link below, to find out more about our School Council
We use 'Picture News' to promote British Values at Our Lady & St Patrick's
We use 'Picture News' weekly in school, as a stimulus for assembly and discussion about current affairs, with direct links to British Values.
Picture News provides a different focus each week, in the form of a powerful image and 'Big Question'. These form the basis for whole-school assembly & class discussion, where children are encouraged to consider, discuss and express their own ideas around these issues.
Please follow the link below to the Picture News area of our website, to see examples of the weekly images and themes.
Examples of British Values linked to Picture News
British Values for Children through Picture News
We have been using Picture News in school for several years now. Every week, we have a special assembly to share & discuss the weekly theme.
We also have a prominent display in the entrance to school and we share the weekly Picture News with our families at home through our weekly bulletin and via our school website & social media, so the issues can be further considered and discussed at home.