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Our Lady and St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School Part of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Curriculum Enrichment Plan

We aim to make our curriculum as vibrant, engaging and memorable as possible, for all children in our school.


To achieve this, we carefully plan a busy schedule of exciting trips, visits and visitors throughout the school Year, to enhance our school curriculum.

Where possible, these trips and visits link to our class topics, to bring the children's learning to life and to make it as memorable for them as possible. This also offers some of our children opportunities that they may otherwise never experience.


We aim to make the most of our own local environment at every opportunity, whether this is through train ride up the coast, a visit to the local beach, a fossil hut on the shore, or a trip to our local Roman Museum; our local area has so much to offer and we just love to make the most of this wonderful place where we live!


Please see an overview of these trips, visits, visitors and other enrichment opportunities in our curriculum, below...

Curriculum Enrichment Plan: Trips, Visitors & Other Opportunities

Some of our Memorable Learning Moments
